I finally finished knitting my second pair of socks on Friday night (well, Saturday morning by the time I grafted the toe). I like knitting socks, but I suffer from second sock syndrome - I finish the first sock and feel pleased, then realise I'm only halfway there because I have to make another one (sigh...) and my fingers are itching to make something else. I have also yet to master the art of getting my sock stripes to match (admittedly I didn't try with this pair), but I'll figure that out some day. I was more concerned with getting 2 socks that fit my feet (the first 'pair' I made ended up different sizes, neither the right size...), and I'm pleased to say they are a perfect fit.

For my next sock project, I'm on the lookout for a pattern with a 'short row' heel (recommendations welcome!) as I'm not hugely keen on the heel flap construction of these socks. I do like the ribbing though. The pattern is Bamboo Rib Socks by Miriam McDonald (
Ravelry link if you want more details).