I've just submitted my first pattern to a magazine for publication - so exciting, but OMG how nerve-wracking!? I could barely sleep last night, convinced that my laptop would somehow have deleted the pattern (plus the back-up on my USB flash drive, don't ask how) or replaced the instructions with complete gibberish. Anyway, reading over everything one last time before sending it this morning, it actually looked like gibberish because I'm so exhausted!
The experience has been good though, because it's the first time I've had to use style guidelines to create a pattern (my own random style is not any recognised standard, funnily enough) and having to meet a deadline has helped me to focus and get organised, which is something I really need to do rather than drift along doing things at my own relaxed pace and putting everything off until tomorrow. Or next week. Or, you know, whenever...
Anyway, I am in need of a nice cup of coffee right about now. I'll try to update my blog later today with a Folksy Friday collection. Hope you all have a good weekend!